فارسی English

Final Statement of the Second International Congress of Islamic Humanities

The Statement of the first World Award in the Islamic Humanities

In the name of God the compassionate the merciful


1  In the beginning we need to commemorate the great founder of the Islamic revolution, Imam Khomeini and the honorable martyrs of Islam and the Islamic revolution, especially the scholars and scientists who with their blood watered the pure tree of Islamic thought. We pay tribute to the leader of the Islamic revolution whose guidance made the formation of these valuable gatherings for the establishment of Islamic humanities possible.


2  Without a doubt the growth and progression of pure Islamic thought and securing the intellectual assets of Islam throughout history, has been the result of great, tremendous and honest efforts of great scholars and thinkers in different eras. In some historic instances, the presence of wise governments who were fond of science alongside Muslim financial and moral support, strengthened Islamic thinkers and the growth or publishing of scientific works expanded rapidly. At other instances, the presence of anti religion and arrogant government or the negligence of the population towards the utmost importance of expanding Islamic thought, slowed down and weakened scientific movement facing the Islamic thinkers and scientists with all different kinds of limitations. Hundreds of these examples have been recorded in historical texts. Regardless, with the divine help, and according to the definite divine vow and pledge in safekeeping the jewel of Islam, limitations never stopped the struggles of free thinking scholars of the Islamic world in safe guarding and expanding Islamic thought. And God willing, the strong rooted tree of Islamic thought will continue to grow and bear fruit to the world.


3  Despite the historical demand of Muslim nations regarding the flow of Islam’s progressive values and laws in the Islamic society, for various reasons, a great part of Islamic history has gone by without the presence of just and righteous Islamic governments. In these circumstances it is natural that not only the intellectual needs of the Islamic society will mainly be directed towards individual affairs, but even these small scientific developments in the social field, they will not reach maturity because of the lack of the environment required for their application and scientific realization. So it is clear that a great amount of important Islamic teachings specific for social fields will be neglected and the exceptional potential of Islam in managing the society in leading people to true prosperity will be lost. It should be noted that the emergence of a small portion of these potentials will naturally boost the moral and hope of Muslims in creating epic transformations and establishing Islamic governments. This is what occurred after the victory of the Islamic revolution in Iran, the expansion of theorizing in the field of Islamic social sciences especially from the Howzahs.

4  Alongside tyranny, deviation and congeal which have always been obstacles in the path of the growth of Islamic thought and its expansion in the Islamic society, the growth of the West’s materialistic civilization in the past century, and its utmost struggle to dominate other nations in the world including Muslim nations, has been a great barrier against the expansion of Islamic thought. The soft and cultural face of this barrier should be viewed as more important than the hard face. In reality the western soft cultural and intellectual raid on nations, was a current that introduced the complete imitation of the West as a liberating and inevitable imperative to other nations, hiding behind the mask of intellectualism and liberation; an imitation that could destroy not only all of the intellectual and cultural assets of a nation, but also make grounds for enslaving nations politically and economically as well. In such a situation it was natural that many Muslim scholars and scientists by monitoring the influence of Western thought and the Tsunami of intellectual and religious doubts and questions against Islam; put their entire effort on presenting an accurate and real picture of Islam and answer the new demands of Muslim nations especially in facing the results of new technologies in personal and social lives. A struggle which especially in the current century has reached to different dimensions and created important milestones in the history of Islamic thought.


5  The victory of the Islamic revolution thirty four years ago can be viewed as the West’s brain stroke. In reality, the defeat of the strongest hegemonic regime in the region meaning the arrogant and dependent Pahlavi regime, and the rise of a popular, independent, dynamic and lively Islamic regime, was the one thing that was thought its potential growth was completely destroyed in Iran and the Islamic world by the exponential growth of Westernism. The rise of the Islamic revolution with the leadership of a great religious authority, had this message for the west that global westernization is not an inevitable consequence and after this, pure Islam must be considered as the most important competitor of the Western current, which potentially has a unique power in creating a new and advanced civilization in the world, marginalizing the western materialistic civilization. With the victory of the Islamic revolution and the establishment of the Islamic republic of Iran, in addition to the intensification of the motivation of Islamic scholars and scientists in the humanities for spontaneous knowledge production, the Islamic regime has created the environment for work in both the Howzah and universities as much as possible. It needs to be noted that the establishment of an Islamic regime in Iran with the objective of initiating Islamic culture and thought in different dimensions of the population’s lives will naturally have great scientific demands directed to the Howzah and universities. Needs and expectations that cannot find precedent in the history of Islam. In the past thirty four years, the volume of scientific production in the Howzah and universities especially in order to answer the newly emerging needs has had exponential growth. And according to many specialists, we can compare the knowledge production in this era with at least half of the scientific production throughout of the history of Islam. Although it is clear that besides this fact, an important part of the scientific expectations have not been answered and the distance from the current situation to the desired one is dramatic, but this should not be grounds for ignoring the exceptional results of the Islamic revolution in the field of knowledge production, or not to honor the struggles and efforts of Islamic scholars and scientists in the Howzah and universities.


6  Alongside the need of Iran’s Islamic regime to intellectual products, today the growing current of Islamic awakening which has resulted in the rise of new Islamic revolutions in the North African region and the Middle East, or insh’Allah will result to it in the near future; have their eyes on the scientific results of scientists of the Islamic world. In reality, the establishment of Islamic regimes inspired by Iran’s Islamic regime in other countries needs various theories and practical scientific models from the scientific communities of the Islamic world. This can definitely stop the political regimes from deviating from the true Islamic path or from being hijacked by westernized intellectuals, and strengthen the hope of Muslim nations in creating righteous Islamic regimes. In addition, in the current years we are fortunately witnessing a boom and expansion of the new Islamic civilization dialogue in the Islamic world. It cannot be denied that one of the most important aspirations of Muslim nations is the revival of the great Islamic civilization in current times, proportional to this day and age, and in the past years the move towards this old aspiration has picked up considerable speed. In this regard the exceptional importance of Islamic humanities and its key role in the revival of Islamic civilization should be taken into consideration. It should be noted that without an independent and practical humanities it is impossible to correctly manage the Islamic world in order to take important steps in reaching the new Islamic civilization. Therefore today, efforts in expanding and deepening Islamic humanities are effective efforts in producing the required preparations for the rise of a new Islamic civilization.


7  According to what has been said, the global award in Islamic humanities has an important objective today. This award creates a good environment to encourage researchers to do additional and high quality work. And with the help of the growth of scientific theories and innovations in the field of Islamic humanities it will introduce the scientific peaks in each field. An effort that will make reaching higher peaks possible, and more importantly it will make possible the effective utilization of scientific discoveries of scientists in the Islamic world especially in practice. This award which has been established with the consultation of more than thirty prestigious Iranian and none Iranian universities and research centers, wants to introduce its scientific credit more than its financial to the scientific communities of the Islamic world. Determining tens of accurate indexes to evaluate scientific works in each field and anticipating a several stage process of reviewing the research works of great thinkers, with the help of hundreds of specialists in the Howzah and universities, makes this award stand out among all other awards in the field of humanities.


8  For the year 2013 the first global Islamic humanities award is given out. The deep desire of the awarding committee is to first thank and honor a lifetime of scientific effort of two of the great scholars of the Islamic world which have a decisive role in engineering and deepening Islamic thought. The two are Ayatollah Allameh Abdollah Javadi Amoli and Ayatollah Allameh Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi, who we confess to our inability to thank Allah (swt) for their blessed presence and also to thank them for their great tribute to Islamic thought. We see necessary to thank and honor these two great scholars and ask Allah (swt) for their health and longevity.


9  As it was stated, for awarding the first global award of Islamic humanities, detailed analysis have been conducted. In the end the awarding committee has decided to award the global Islamic humanities award to three great theorists of Iran and the Islamic world.

  1. Hujjatol Islam Dr. Alireza Arafi for his long and fruitful scientific effort in the field of Islamic education and presenting comprehensive theories in this field in various dimensions.
  2. Professor Chaudhry for authoring tens of important and highly referenced works in the field of Islamic economics and methodology in Islamic humanities and presenting theories in these two fields.
  3. Hujjatol Islam seyyed Abbas Musavian for his expansive efforts in the field of Islamic banking and applying it in the banking system and presenting several important theories in this field.


In the end we thank all the honorable experts who aided the awarding committee in the different stages of analyzing the candidates. We are also thankfull to the organizations and institutions who financially support this award such as Sadra islamic humanities research center as well as Tehran municipality. We ask Allah (swt) to add to the success of these three scholars in the path of expanding Islamic thought.


The awarding committee of

the Global Award of Islamic Humanities

18 November 2013

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